Seth Grant, Hartford Founder
‹ Back to The FoundersCompiled by Timothy Lester Jacobs, SDFH Genealogist
SETH1 GRANT, HARTFORD FOUNDER was born abt. 1610 in England, and died bef. 04 Mar 1646/47 in Hartford, CT (inventory). He married ELIZABETH ______ bef. 1635 in prob Cambridge, MA. She was born abt. 1614 in England, and died 24 Jan 1680/81 in Norwalk, CT.
Seth Grant emigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony aboard the ship “Lyon” in 1632, and first resided in Cambridge. He removed to Hartford about 1635, where in the land inventory of February 1639/40 he held nine parcels: two acres with dwelling house, outhouses, yards and gardens which was located on the corner of the road from the Meeting House to the mill and the road from Seth Grant’s to Centinel Hill; thirty perches in the Little Meadow; two roods, ten perches in the North Meadow; three acres, three roods and twenty-seven perches of meadow and swamp in the North Meadow; four acres, two roods and thirty perches in the Cow Pasture; two acres in the Pine Field; five acres and two roods in the Little Oxpasture; two roods and four perches on the east side of the Great River; and four acres of swamp on the east side of the Great River.
He held no public offices. The inventory of his estate was taken 4 March 1646/7.
Genealogy: none known, as he had no male child.