Bartholomew Green, Hartford Founder
‹ Back to The FoundersCompiled by Timothy Lester Jacobs, SDFH Genealogist
BARTHOLOMEW1 GREEN, HARTFORD FOUNDER was born abt. 1590 in England, and died bef. 08 Feb 1635/36 in Cambridge, MA. He married ELIZABETH ______ bef. 1615 in England. She was born in England, and died bef. 20 Nov 1677 in Cambridge, MA.
Bartholomew Green(e) is considered a Founder of Hartford, even though he never went there, having died prior to the Rev. Hooker’s main party’s departure. Nonetheless, he had “several parcells of land in Hartford on the river of Conecticot, part wherof was sequestred for Bartholomew Greene, & now setled on John Crow by the inhabitants of this towne”. It is not possible to determine which specific parcels he had sequestered for, since all of the lands of John Crow are listed together in the land inventory of February 1639/40.
He emigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1633, residing in Cambridge, where he was made freeman 14 May 1634, and granted six acres in the Westend Field on 1 December 1634. He died in Cambridge by 8 February 1635/6. Of his family only two of his grandchildren, children of his son Samuel, ever made it to Hartford: Samuel, who married Hannah Butler, and Sarah, who married Nathaniel Butler, both Butlers being children of Hartford Founder Deacon Richard Butler.
Genealogy: none known